About Me

Meet Julia

I radiate Passion, Purpose and Love into your life!

I radiate Passion, Purpose and Love into your life!

I have always been driven to empower others’ stories. I have a thirst for learning and a natural curiosity for finding out about people and places.  I have a real sense of fairness and a drive to enable  everyone  to succeed and find their place in the world, irrespective of any perceived boundaries.

Reflective, Uplifting, Essential

“The opportunity to work with Julia will open up time to reflect and reassess challenges and concerns or troubles. I always feel more able to cope after a session working with Julia. I would recommend finding the time!”

My own story involves a journey across a range of pathways and incorporates learning in UK and International schools.  I learned the value of examining my own ideologies and stereotypes and awakened deep questioning of the world around me. This fuels my passion to enable and empower others to find their place in the world and is at the heart of my approaches to leadership development, coaching and supervision. I want to ensure all individuals feel confident in their lives as I know this contributes to a greater sense of wellbeing and, ultimately, enables learning.

A career in banking revealed a diverse spectrum of lives and society to me. I learned the value of relationships of trust, working in challenging circumstances and developing support for clients in critical personal and professional events. I also discovered my love of teaching in training and developing staff, facilitating their learning and professional development.

My world turned on its axis when I became a mum, and I discovered my passion for nurturing children’s learning. This took me down the path of an Open University Degree and a multi-faceted career in education: Mid-day Manager, Nursery Deputy, Teaching Assistant, PGCE Primary, Teacher, Senior Leader, Deputy Head . My leadership specialisms spanned the whole range of subjects and key areas of whole school development, including Assessment (LA lead), PSHE National Award, CPD, Curriculum, Teaching & Learning and Research Lead. This experience supports all of my work, but particularly in Boundless Learning and Leadership. I am passionately committed to creating and enabling positive climates for learning.

During my three headships and my Masters journey, I grounded all my work in research and learning, centred around developing secure and positive relationships, developing emotional literacy and oracy to promote a sense of wellbeing, trust and honesty, This enabled development work around metacognition and also led to my leadership of a Royal Shakespeare Company Associate Schools Network across a group of diverse schools, bringing about creative development and improvements in Literacy and Language, teaching and learning , Wellbeing, Community and Curriculum. 

These leadership experiences inform all of our work across all areas. We learn so much from collaborative experience and I love to enable other leaders to create their unique climates for learning.

My learning continued to grow, encompassing roles as facilitator of leadership development, including work as a Local Authority lead, School leadership NPQs,  English SLE, Research lead and  Evidence Leader. My experiences of supporting schools across phases enabled my own leadership as well as increasing my understanding of leading across a range of organisations, managing change and organisational development. This supports all areas of Boundless Leadership, Learning and Wellbeing.

Upon embarking on my Boundless journey, I’ve had many experiences, and I work with a range of associates including Boundless Inspiration with Sarah from Inspiration for All, breathing life into visions and underpinning organisational strategic direction with robust action. Boundless Purplemoon, with Jenny Bowers, combines playful curiosity with Values-led approaches to navigating uncertainty in leadership. As a Resilient Leaders Elements consultant and coach, and a facilitator in Lego Serious Play I enable organisations and individuals to get to the heart of their identity, gain awareness and empower purpose and clarity of direction to build capacity and leadership presence. 

I’m also passionate about my sense of agency, as such, I volunteer in a range of roles, with Headsup4HTs , as Chair of Governors for a Primary School with a specialist provision unit, and as an education mentor for The Prince’s Trust. 

As my career has progressed in independent leadership with Boundless Learning Ltd, this reflects my passion for empowering learning at all levels. I believe in ensuring every individual has the opportunity to love learning and life, irrespective of background. I am committed to enabling others to look beyond their known horizons to become boundless learners.

Within all of my roles, creativity and the importance of play and stories has prevailed. I am passionate about bringing out people’s sense of purpose and inspiring others. I want to inspire your voice and enable you to live your best life. My breadth of experience and collaborations can support you and your organisation beyond the bounds of a single product or offer.

Inspire, Learn, Empower

My vision is to inspire your story, learn together with hearts and minds and to enable and empower you to create the world you wish for. I work with individuals, teams, schools and organisation to enable you to enjoy your story, empower key characters and enable an effective and inspirational environment for success.