At the end of the academic year, many people will be reflecting and considering their hopes for the Summer, and looking to their next steps. As a former Headteacher, I’m only too aware of the transitional feel of the last week of term ( which is this week in Leicestershire). It’s also the 23rd anniversary of losing my Mum, so end of term is always a poignant one for me. I may not be totally school-based now, but my work is intrinsically linked to enabling so many educators, and driven by the desire to impact positively on the lives of the children they work with. Today I am looking forward to celebrating sending a cohort of new teachers into teh world at their graduation party.
Ultimately, now my reach is wider, but I often don’t see the impact of it all. I reflected on this with a range of colleagues over the last couple of weeks. In addition to this, I’ve been undertaking learning of my own, and considering what it is I offer to my clients. Why should they work with me? Who needs to work with me? What is my essential flavour?
It’s a question I constantly revisit. It’s something I encourage my clients to reflect on regularly.
Over the past few weeks, I’ve been looking in detail at this with my Lego Serious Players group, who work across the globe and across a wide range of sectors. I find broadening my perspectives really enhances my understanding and sense of self.
I have models…The three models together are really sharpening my focus:
I offer balance, growth, inner and external perspective, increasing joy and connection with self, an dreal connection with purpose to support clarity of direction.
I challenged myself to seek feedback from those I’d worked with. Recognising my impact has been empowering, and feedback on what I could do more of is now shaping my planning for next year. I’m keen to share more of the Somatic principles of coaching, as well as coaching programmes, and school development packages. I’ll be working on these over the Summer, as well as developing a clearer voice in my book, which looks at inspiring creative and active approaches to learning, rooted in oracy and texts
(Shakespeare is the driver, but it’s much wider than this). It’s all rooted in Hattie’s principles of deep learning.
Life is Boundless. I am really consciously considering what this means to live and walk in my vision.