I shared an image from Kobi Yamada’s book, ‘Maybe’ this morning.

It considers the potential of an individual and explores the possibilities this may offer. This has been on my mind for so many reasons recently, on a personal scale and in light of the impact of ‘ individuals on a global scale right now.

The page that stands out so many for me times states, ‘Do everything with love. Follow your heart and see where it leads you!” When I work to empower others, in whatever context it may be, key to promoting action, enabling individuals is exploring motivation.

What drives us to act?

My own coaching journey has challenged me to explore myself from a multitude of perspectives, but key to this is understanding the lens we  are using to examine our ideas, issues and actions.

What influences this?

Where are we?

 Are our decisions and actions powered by love or fear?

We all know the impact of fear on our cognitive abilities. If we are living in a state of high alert, a world of “shoulds” imposed by our perception of what others expect, fear of judgement, fear of failure, then ultimately our emotional responses, our decision making, our health and our own sense of wellbeing are impacted. It’s exhausting! It can permeate our whole lives, whether personal or professional.

It’s so easy for me to see these ideas in terms of a classroom and the children I have worked with over the years. It always  made absolute sense to build relationships and an environment grounded in love of each other, learning and life. If this is what we want for our children, then surely this should lead the decisions made for those that lead them.

Fear generally finds a way to permeate the walls if it finds a way in. Choosing to navigate from love, focusing on the way to travel, the values that lead you there and you clear vision , rather than the fear of what might be, judgement or failure, can empower and offer the freedom to expand beyond our own self-imposed limitations as well as those we perceive others place on us. It takes courage sometimes, but ultimately we perform better in positive climates.

What we’re considering here is focusing the lens on what really matters and how to create more of that.

What are your key values?

Why are these important to you?

Do you know your key strengths?

Who are you, and how do you define yourself?

Have you ever wondered why you are here?

What matters to you?

I can help you explore who you are and what you do, or what you might be driven to do. We all have unique strengths. I work with individuals,  teams and organisations to harness these, explore possibilities, and find your own maybe…

Explore the possibilities-They’re Boundless!

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